I looove long weekends, and this last one was much needed! Spencer and I don't get to see each other a ton during the week so it was so nice to spend the whole weekend together. I just love cheesy chicks flicks soo much and this weekend I conned Spencer into see 3! haha we saw "did you hear about the morgans?", "when in rome", and of course "valentines day", they were all very cute and Spencer was such a trooper, I Love You! Since it was a long weekend and valentines was on saturday Spencer made it into a whole weekend ordeal. We of course went and saw all the movies, had dinner at Market Street, did some shopping in Park City, had Valentines brunch with the Edwards and dinner with the Lawsons on Sunday, and just spent some real quality time with each other. We decided that this year we weren't going to get presents because we are trying to save..but Spencer was so cute and on sunday he gave me a valentine for every hour of the day with little notes he had written along with the cutest card which of course made me cry, it was better than any present he could have given me i loved it, thanks babe!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Love is definitely in the air this month! Last Saturday was 6 months to our wedding day, sooooo exciting!!! Of course Valentines day is coming up on Sunday, Spencer apparently has a plan for Saturday to celebrate but won't tell me anything..not even a hint..I usually can get him to give it up but he won't budge this time which is ok I guess because surprises are always fun. And next Saturday, February 20th is our THREE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Can you believe it, 3 whole years..time has flown by and so much has changed.
"As we grow old together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change...I will always keep falling in love with you."I am so happy to have found such an amazing guy to share the rest of my life with, I LOVE YOU Pokie Bear (my nickname for Spencer..cheesy I know)!
dresses and cake!
This last Saturday I had my second dress fitting, I was some what nervous for it because we were making a lot of changes to the dress and I was worried it wouldn't turn out like I had pictured it in my head, but it was beautiful. I can't wait to be able to wear it, it's probably a good thing I'm not taking it home until the end of May, I'd probably end up ruining it from trying it on a million times. After the dress fitting my mom told me of a place in provo she heard had really good cake, and since we were already in American Fork we decided to go try it.
The place is called Magelby's and usually i'm not the biggest fan of cake but YUM there chocolate cake was delicious! Since Spencer was at work and couldn't come we decided to buy him a piece so he could try it..he loved it to, but we are still going to go try a couple other places just to make sure nothing else can top it.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Ups and Downs
This last week definitely had it's ups and downs. On wednesday I went to Sundance with Al and Brooke, we were on the search for some celebrities! Unfortunately we didn't see any..but we still had a good time. On thursday we were so excited because Spencer finally got his car back! I finally could stop being his taxi driver and he could assume his usual role as mine, BUT on friday before I could enjoy being a passenger, his car wouldn't start!! He had it for less than a day and it was already broken again..we tried jump starting it and well that didn't work so we took his battery to get checked to see if that was the problem. His battery was perfectly fine which meant that something else was wrong. We decided that we needed to take our minds off of it and go get some dinner, so we made our way to litza's and ran into our friends Megan and Ben, we ended up eating together, it was a nice surprise and the perfect distraction. While Spencer was at work on Saturday his dad looked at his car and one of Aaron's friends that lives across the street saw him and went over to help, and help he sure did, he fixed it!! Hallelujah! We were so excited and grateful to them both, and I finally got to be picked up and driven, I was so happy! BUT don't get to excited, the next day Spencer was about to pick me up for church when surprise surprise he goes to turn on his car and what happens..NOTHING that's what happens, it won't turn on AGAIN! But we decide to forget about it cuz by now we're used to it..and go to church. That night it was our turn to cook the Sunday dinner, and we made the yummiest enchilada's, to bad there aren't leftovers. Afterwards we played some UNO attack, which has become a family favorite. We started out and just played 2 games and when my mom won them both we decided to play another round, after the longest game of UNO I have ever played, due to my family being very competitive and lots of ganging up on each other..my mom still won! She did a victory dance and we all decided we'd had enough, but it was definitely a fun night as always. And hopefully..maybe..this week Spencer's car will really be fixed..cross your fingers!
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