Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Football

So due to the crappy weather both here and in Seattle our family decided to stay home. We were soo bummed but according to my Aunt the city was basically shut down so we wouldn't have been able to do all the things we had planned anyways. It turned out to be a really fun Thanksgiving weekend and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to spend some time with our families.
We decided that since we were going to be home we might as well do something a little adventurous..sooo we ventured out at 2 am to do some black friday shopping. We had a few things that we really wanted on our list and we only ended up getting 1 of those things because of all the crazy shoppers, but we figured that it was ok because this was our first black friday experience so we were amateurs. However we still ended up getting a TON of stuff. We shopped from 2-7 am then came home to take a litt le nap and after recharging we headed out again around 11 and didn't stop until 7 pm. I am so surprised that Spencer lasted so long and even more surprised that he was excited about it. I'm so glad that we went it was such a fun experience!
Football, football, football!! In case you didn't know the Byu vs Utah game was this weekend so of course we had to watch. It was a very stressful game to watch and it gave me quite the headache. Needless to say it was anything but boring and it all came down to a field goal kick for Byu. They definitely started celebrating early thinking that they were going to win because how often do people miss field goals right? The mighty Utes pulled through and blocked the kick making the final score Utah 17-Byu 16. It was a great way to end the last rilvary game! GO UTES!!!
Overall the weekend was amazing! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed spending so much time with my hubby! I'm dreading school starting again tomorrow, but there's only a few more weeks left until winter break..

Thursday, November 18, 2010

In 1 week..

..I get to put up our Christmas decorations! I am beyond excited!! Now don't get me wrong I love Thanksgiving and it's a close call to which holiday is my favorite. But one thing about Christmas thats better than Thanksgiving are the decorations. I just love the way Christmas decorations make me feel, the twinkle of lights and the beauty of a decorated tree never fails to make me smile. I am especially excited this year because it is our first christmas as a married couple and we have our own home that we get to decorate however we (or should I say I ) want. I have been collecting decorations from the day we got engaged..seriously. Spencer is a good sport and acts excited when I show him my purchases. My collection of Christmas fun has gotten pretty large, however it's not quite complete yet, there are still a couple of special items I need to find but regardless I will get to transform our house and fill it with Christmas spirit very very soon. I can't wait!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thanksgiving is in the air

This is where we will be spending our Thanksgiving holiday, I couldn't be more excited!! My Aunt and her family live there and even though they were here for the wedding not to long ago we were so busy that we didn't really get to spend much time with them so we we're thrilled when my family decided to go visit. I haven't been there in quite some time and Spencer has never been so we will definitely be getting some site seeing in. However the Byu vs. Utah game is that weekend and although most of the family is Utah fans unfortunetly we have some Byu crap talkers among us so we will be taking a break from site seeing to watch the game.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I would like to take a second to say how grateful I am for family, of course i'm thankful for the family that raised me and the unconditional love that they've given to me over the years, I wouldn't be the person I am today without them. I'm grateful for the family that was created on August 6, 2010: not only was our small family created but one much bigger. Spencer's family has been so great to me and I love them so much mostly because they created Spencer just kidding.kinda ;) but also for being so accepting, they are definitely a family of jokers and never cease to make me laugh when I'm around them, I think this picture describes them pretty accurately:

Lately though I've been most grateful for the small family that Spencer and I have started. I love my pokie bear so much and can't think of someone else I'd rather create a future with. He has been such an amazing husband and I know that he will be a great father one day as well. I am so excited to make new memories as we build our own big family together.

Family is everything.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


We have been running around like crazy, busy as can be and as a result I have been slacking a little in the domestic department lately. It seems like my list grows twice as fast as I can shrink it, but the other day I decided that I wanted to do something in celebration of fall so I made homemade pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. It was the first time I'd ever tried to make them and boy were our tummies happy that I did. The recipe I found was Fabulous, of course I had to make a few adjustments to suite my liking and make it my own but all I can say is YUM. In fact they were yummy enough that they found a place in my recipe book so now we can endulge in them year after year.