Friday, December 16, 2011
I'm Free

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Let me introduce you

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
School Schmool
I am having a really hard time this semester doing homework or studying of any kind. It boggles my mind that this is my last and by far my easiest semester of my college career and I can barely even bring myself to go to class. I think though it's because I feel like my classes are pointless and full of busy work. Why do teachers give busy work? It doesn't mean you are a good teacher just because you assign homework...so unless it's relevant and I can learn something from it besides the fact that you don't know how to teach, don't waste my time. Sorry for this little venting session, I just had to get it out.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Happy thought of the day
I can't tell you how amazing it feels to not have to register for another semester. It is always such a headache trying to figure out which classes to take and I am so glad to be done with that (at least for now). I am beyond excited to be graduating in a month and it's a good thing I am, because I am having severe senioritis!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
It's snowing outside and somehow I don't mind it. In fact it makes me feel a little giddy inside, I even went on a little morning stroll all by myself just marveling at how beautiful snow really is. Usually I would be saying 'I can't believe it's snowing' and 'I'm not ready for this yet' but not this time. Maybe it's because the husband and I went shopping yesterday for holiday decorations or because he promised me peppermint hot chocolate when he gets home today, both of which always puts me in a good mood. Either way it is taking every ounce of my will power to not pull out our christmas decorations, I think I need to leave my house..
Anyways I hope that you all are enjoying the snow too, just don't forget the hot chocolate!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Sing-Off

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Today I finally finished officially changing my name.
I had already changed my name on my driver's liscense, at my bank, on my credit card etc.. and last month I got around to changing it on my social security card, but today I finished the name changing process at school. I figured that since this is my last semester it would probably be a good idea to get around to it so that my diploma would show my married name. The whole process hasn't been that difficult but it has definitely been annoying and I'm glad that it's finally done and that I only have to go through this once in my life. Why are boys the lucky ones? I think they should have to do something as equally annoying. On the upside though I have alphabetically upgraded from L to E.
I had already changed my name on my driver's liscense, at my bank, on my credit card etc.. and last month I got around to changing it on my social security card, but today I finished the name changing process at school. I figured that since this is my last semester it would probably be a good idea to get around to it so that my diploma would show my married name. The whole process hasn't been that difficult but it has definitely been annoying and I'm glad that it's finally done and that I only have to go through this once in my life. Why are boys the lucky ones? I think they should have to do something as equally annoying. On the upside though I have alphabetically upgraded from L to E.
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy One Year Anniversary!!! I cannot believe that it has been an entire year already, but boy has it been amazing! Nothing is better than getting to wake up to my best friend every single day. I love you more and more with each day that passes and I look forward to many more anniversary's to come! Love you forever!!
- me
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Construction+ Semi's+ Crazies= Heart Attacks
I HATE semi-trucks. Period.
I don't know about the rest of you but the scare the crap out of me. Under normal conditions driving on the freeway next to one is bad enough but when there is construction going on and the lanes are narrow and the barriers are right next to the line it is terrifying! I've been driving to Provo and back 3 days a week to watch my mom's store while she is in Thailand and let me just say it sucks! If you haven't traveled down south in awhile let me advise you not to..I have a mini heart attack every time I have to be next to a semi cuz I feel like they are going to run into me. I know it's not there fault but I always feel like they are going to change lanes and not see me and I really don't feel like being smushed like a bug. I should probably be more scared of the other drivers because I swear 2/3 of them are crazy!
I can't wait for my mom to get back.
I don't know about the rest of you but the scare the crap out of me. Under normal conditions driving on the freeway next to one is bad enough but when there is construction going on and the lanes are narrow and the barriers are right next to the line it is terrifying! I've been driving to Provo and back 3 days a week to watch my mom's store while she is in Thailand and let me just say it sucks! If you haven't traveled down south in awhile let me advise you not to..I have a mini heart attack every time I have to be next to a semi cuz I feel like they are going to run into me. I know it's not there fault but I always feel like they are going to change lanes and not see me and I really don't feel like being smushed like a bug. I should probably be more scared of the other drivers because I swear 2/3 of them are crazy!
I can't wait for my mom to get back.
Car Stupidity
I really know nothing about cars.. it's actually kind of pathetic. You think that by now I might have picked up on a few more things but sadly I haven't. I blame it on my dad because he's always done everything for me. It started way back when I got my learners and my first car, my dad always filled up my gas for me but then one day I had to do it myself. This is embarrassing but I'll tell you anyways I couldn't figure out how to open my gas tank but to give myself some credit it was an older car so there was no button inside the car that would pop it open and I didn't see that I had to use a key to open it so there I was stumped and to embarrassed to ask anyone at the gas station so I called up my friend Katie and she came to the rescue. That was the first of many embarrassing car stories but I'll skip forward to the recent events that inspired this post.
When we got back from St. George/Vegas last month I got in my car to drive to work but as I started to drive my car started jerking accompanied by this awful scrapping noise and I quickly realized that my tire was blown out. How did I not see it as I walked up to my car? and how did this happen? I'm not sure, maybe someone was mad I took the good parking spot and slashed my tires. Anyways that's not even the worst part of this story..So I call up my dad because that's what I do when I have car/any fixing problem, and I tell him what happened then I ask him "Where is my spare tire anyways? I looked in the trunk but it wasn't there..." If you are not aware of the car I drive let me just tell you my spare tire is attached to the back of my car, which means in order to 'look' for the mystery spare tire in the 'trunk' I had to go to the back of my car and open it. Genius I know and I'm about to graduate college, really? I still get made fun of on a weekly basis for that one.
Next was today, this one isn't quite as embarrassing as the previous but still. So yesterday I noticed that my oil light kept flashing at me and I thought that I should probably do something about that. So of course I called up my dad and he told me to stop at a gas station and buy some oil for my engine and then gave me instructions on what to do. I thought it sounded simple enough so I got the oil and after I got to my mom's store ( which I'm watching while she is gone, more on that later) I decided to give it a try. Well I didn't get very far before I got stuck. I'm sure you all know that in order to put oil in your car you have to open the hood, don't worry I knew it too, however after I pulled the lever that pops it open I couldn't figure out how to unlatch it. I got down so I could look at it and I saw the latch but still my attempts failed so I called up my dad again and sure enough I got it to open I don't know how I didn't figure that one out on my own. Next I thought ok the rest of this is going to be easy I found where I had to pour the oil no problem so I try to unscrew it 'Lefty Loosey' I thought to myself(works every time) I got out a rag cuz it was a little warm, but I guess I haven't been hitting the gym hard enough because I could not get that thing to budge! I keep trying and I'm on the phone with my dad the whole time cuz really lets be honest I probably would've had to call him again anyways so why waste the time. As I keep failing he tells me to go find a guy to help me and as he's telling me this like magic a greek god pulls into the parking lot (seriously this guy was a hottie) and starts walking over, so I hang up the phone and tell him my problem. I wish I could say that he had a hard time opening the cap too..but he didn't ( I loosened it for him right?) anyways he puts in the oil and checks it and tells me I need another bottle.. whoops I only got one so I'll have to tackle that challenge on my way home, but don't worry he made sure to loosened the cap enough so I could do it myself :) After he's done he tells me he's a mechanic, how much more perfect could that have been, someone up there is lookin' out for me.
Friday, April 29, 2011
oh finals..
I am burned out..with 3 finals & 1 paper down and 3 finals & 1 paper to go I am over it. I don't want to study I don't want to write anything I just want to give up and be done. Please let me find the motivation to make it through these next few days so I don't ruin all my hard work this semester. I just keep saying to myself just a little bit longer and then you'll be on vacation, but the lovely thought gets ruined by the awful thought that as soon as we get back, summer school starts and with the 5 classes I'm taking I am really NOT looking forward to it. Oh and just to top things off this week my car radiator cracked, I found out after smoke was billowing out of the hood of my car while I was driving and I won't lie I was a little terrified that I was going to blow up..don't worry I didn't but that would've been a good excuse to not take my finals :)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Guess where we're going..
I'll give you a few hints:
That's right, we're going to New York City! As soon as Spencer takes his last final, literally, we'll be on our way. Neither of us have been to New York, so when one of my best friends from back in the day invited us we jumped at the chance! This is a much needed trip and being able to look forward to it helps make school seem a little less daunting. We are crossing our fingers that we'll get on cash cab, how awesome would that be..wish us luck ha!

Monday, April 11, 2011
flowers make me smile
I've been stressing out lately more than usual, mainly because I have this debate going on in my head that I thought was over about what I should do with my life. Now that I'm getting close to graduating and having to decide what I want my next step to be I'm panicing. Before I was set on grad school and then I made a switch to nursing instead and now I'm not sure if I switched for the right reasons..anyways the point is I'm stressing out and really want a break but I can't have one in fact each semester at least in this next year is progressively getting busier and harder than the last and I feel like I'm on the verge of my breaking point. Spencer being the great husband that he is surprised me with flowers and a treat last week because he thought it would help, and it definitely did. It's surprising how something so small can make you so happy. All week whenever I look over at those flowers it makes me smile and just for a second I forget all my worries. Thanks Spencer for being so sweet, I love you!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I know you all are just dying to know how the rest of my day went yesterday so lets look at the scoreboard:
Snow: -1
Falling ripping my jeans and cutting my knee: -2
Unclogged the bathroom sink!: +2 (best feeling ever)
Steamer broke (it's my favorite cleaning tool) : -5
Aced my test: +1
Tripped again this time over a cord..fell on my face: -1
Day finally ended: +1 :)
Final Total: (-9+4)= -5
Oh well, today is another day and so far so good!
Monday, March 28, 2011
One Of Those Days
Do you ever just have one of those days..you know where things just seem to go badly. Today might just be one those days. I don't know what I'm less excited about the fact that it's snowing or that spring break is over and my brain does not want to cooperate. Maybe thats why when I walked out my door to go to class, I slipped and fell in the mud ripping my favorite pair of jeans and cutting a huge gash in my knee. I think my brain had a plan to prevent me from going to class and if so it worked cuz here I am blogging instead. Its to bad that I'm not so into the whole ripped jeans thing otherwise they'd look brand new, on the upside though I bought a new pair of jeans this morning before the whole fiasco. Anyways I just hope this isn't a sign that I'm going to fail my test tonight, who gives a test the first day back from spring break anyways, lame!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Grand Opening

If you've never been to Sunflower Market then you are missing out! I have been wishing that there was one closer to me ever since I found out about it and it has finally come true!! Spencer and I headed over there a few days ago and filled our cart with tons of fruits, veggies and other yummy food. There slogan is 'Serious Food, Silly Prices' and it couldn't be more right on, it's like the cheaper version of Whole Foods but the products are just as good.

Along with the new Sunflower Market opening the new Whole Foods opened just down the street. As much as I do love the Sunflower Market we decided to go check out the new Whole Foods because it just looked so big and I had heard some good things about it. It was pretty sweet, but way to crowded we had a hard time trying to make our way around all the traffic. But I made a discovery while I was there, one that I am so excited about.
A few years ago I had a professor that used to bring us all sorts of goodies, and my favorite thing she use to bring were these dried mangos. Now I've had dried mangos many times but they've always been sweetened, and the ones she'd bring weren't and they were soo yummy. She got them from trader joes which is a store we don't have here but should, anyways I've never been able to find them until now! The new Whole Foods has them and I can tell you that I will be frequenting there often because of it. If you've never tried them GO and get some they are such a yummy snack and as far as I'm concerned guilt free.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Locked Out
I realized in the middle of my class that I forgot my keys (this is not the first time it's happened) and of course I couldn't concentrate on anything my teacher said after that because I was to busy plotting how I could get in, I really thought to myself..'hey you have a couple bobbypins in your hair, picking a lock doesn't seem to hard they do it in the movies all the time.' Uhh doubt it..although I am very tempted to try.
Anyways, so if you don't know, to get into our building you have to be buzzed in either by using an electronic key or by calling one of the apartments. Well luckily I brought my phone with me because most days I just leave it, so at least I could buzz myself into the building. So I walked home and crossed my fingers that the apartment manager would be in his office, and luckily there he was walking in at the exact same time. Hallelujah!
He recognized me of course and even remembered my apartment number from the other times i've needed his help...kinda embarassing. On our way to my apartment he assured me that I was not the only one and that there was even a lady who needed him to unlock her door at least once a week ( she blames it on her kids who she claims locks her out all the time..how sad is that!) anyways it made me feel less dumb.
However I'm still puzzled on where my brain might be because for quite sometime I have been more than forgetful. But I am very thankful that at least when it comes to forgetting my keys we have an apartment manager to help out when my brain decides it's going to go on vacation, I just wish it would take me with it.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Spring Fever

for 5 minutes.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
TV Obsessions
For Christmas we got a subscription to Netflix (thanks Aaron and Heather!), it was such a good gift and we have loved it! Maybe a little too much. We have become OBSESSED with two shows: Dexter and 24. I don't know if any of you have watched these but they are amazing!

Regardless to say we have been spending way to much time watching tv lately but we just can't help it. But if you are looking for a good show to watch I definitely would recomend these two, hopefully you'll enjoy them as much as we do!
Dexter is about a serial killer that you can't help but root for. Now you may be thinking why would you root for a serial killer, well because even though he kills people he only kills other killers never innocent people. If you are still skeptical just watch the show..you'll understand.

The other show that we started watching is 24. I've known many people that have loved this show but I just never cared enough to try, but one night we decided to check it out and it was all over from there, we were hooked. They always have to end the show in the worst place possible so you can't help but watch the next one. I don't know what I would do if I had to wait a week inbetween each episode, it would drive me nuts!

Regardless to say we have been spending way to much time watching tv lately but we just can't help it. But if you are looking for a good show to watch I definitely would recomend these two, hopefully you'll enjoy them as much as we do!
Unexpected Words
You know how people always say 'tell the people you care about how you feel because you never know what tomorrow will bring'. Well a few days ago I got a surprising email. It was from one of my best childhood friends that I haven't seen or really talked to in way to many years. She told me that she had been thinking about me and asked me how I was doing. As the email went on she told me how I had influenced her life and how she has always admired a certain quality of mine. I couldn't help but be filled with emotion. It was truly amazing to have this experience of a random unexpected but certainly appreciated act of love. Ever since I read that email I have not been able to stop thinking about it and the lesson that it has taught me. I encourage all of you to reach out and tell someone how much you care about them because you really don't know how much it can touch their lives.
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