This past week was spring break, and Spencer and I made a list of all the things we wanted to do..we didn't get around to most of them because Spencer got sick but we managed to do a couple and golfing was one of them. Orignally we were going to play a round of golf but it was pretty windy so we decided to just go to the driving range. I was actually the one that suggested golfing which was a big surprise to Spencer, but I've decided that if we are going to get married we should both try and do some of the things each of us loves and Spencer LOVES to golf so I thought i'd give it another shot. 

Well Spencer has a lot more skills than I do but it was still so much fun. He kept trying to correct my form and when I listened I actually got some pretty good shots in. I'm excited to work more on my game so I can play a real round of golf and hopefully keep up with him this summer. Thanks babe for being such a good teacher, I love you!
You cute little wifey to be! You guys are kinda darling. David is obsessed with golfing so lets all go sometime :]