Took a trip to the grocery store today and to my surprise the lights weren't on.
At first I thought "that's weird..they're closed.." but no, I got to the
door where one of the workers greeted me and asked me if i'd like a flashlight.
Uhh yeah! It was quite the adventure making my way around the store, and even though
it took me a bit longer to find the things I needed it was fun! It took me back to my childhood, when the power would go out and we'd play hide and seek with flashlights. To bad Spencer wasn't there with me, I know he would've had fun.
On a side note, you know what I miss..walkie talkies..I don't know why but
something about them just makes talking so fun. Spencer and I saw some the other
day and seriously considered buying them. Maybe for christmas?..
Anyways I don't know if I'll ever get another opportunity to shop in the dark again,
but it was definitely an adventure I'm glad I got to have.
Thats great!