So it has been quite some time since I last posted, I think I am the worlds worst blogger, so lets do a little catch up. Sorry for the's been awhile.
I ended up running that 1/2 marathon in October, and although I didn't feel as prepared as I would have liked due to that minor injury..I still did pretty good and am officially addicted to them. Half way through it all I wanted to die and my legs felt like they had definitely died, but that last mile especially I was on cloud nine and felt invincible. I can't describe the feeling of finally seeing that finish line and crossing it, one of the best feelings I have ever had. So now I am thinking I may even do a full.. don't quote me on that though. I am planning on doing at least 2-3 halfs this year though.
My friend Emily and I after the race. She is a pro and was a great help at pushing me through my first race. |
Thanksgiving was amazing. We drove to Seattle with my parents to visit my aunt and her family. It was perfect weather all the way there until we got into the mountains and there was a massive snow storm. There was a nasty looking accident on the side of the road, but you would've never known from the traffic because no one slowed down to look! I was some what that just a Utah thing? Anywho it was mostly rainy while we were there but I guess that just completes our Seattle experience. Besides getting to spend time with family, eat amazing food, and play hilarious rounds of catch phrase and pictionary(a family favorite), we also got to explore the city and do some black friday shopping. Of course my aunt took us on a tour of all the famous gazillionare's houses that live there including Bill Gates. Thank you Suri for your direction.
It was pouring the day we ventured here but I loved every minute |
I don't know why Spencer hates taking pictures so much, he is so natural in front of the camera :) |
We went to the Chihuly Glass Art was amazing and left me in awe. |
December was full of fun as well. We got to go to Disneyland with the Edwards clan, it was as magical as ever but I pretty much freezed my butt off there as it rained on the parade..literally.. :) We visited the lego store on a daily basis and the boys dreams came true when my in-laws bought them the christmas cottage set to build on christmas eve.
Had to get a picture with minnie. I was so sad I forgot to bring my minnie ears... |

The picture on the left is us waiting in line for our favoritest ride (indiana jones), well one of out's too much pressure to decide. The picture on the right is my favorite picture of Spencer. I know he secretly wants to be a princess, or maybe it's not so secret since, as you can tell, he is pretty excited.
We started christmas eve off by going snow shoeing. We took the rest of the day pretty easy and slept over at the Edwards on christmas eve and spent the morning with them opening presents. My favorite moments were probably watching my neices open up their #1 their stockings (stella had the greatest reactions to it all) #2 their presents (same priceless reactions) and #3 watching stella use her big girl potty in the middle of us all after she opened it (she must take after Spencer). We waited around a little while so we would have a chance to talk to our favorite missionary, which was one of the best presents we could ask for! Then we headed back to salt lake where we hosted my parents at our house because they refused to put up christmas decorations, they must have watched the grinch too many times and caught the bug.
Snow shoeing on Christmas Eve at Donut Falls |
What the family did Christmas Eve night |
What I did Christmas Eve night (I think I had more fun) |
As for other life events...
Spencer has only changed his major 3 times in the last semester :) haha. It is ok though because without the changes we would never have come to the same conclusion. I think I can officially say that he is getting his undergrad in biology with a minor in chemistry and should be graduated by next year!! He also just started taking an LSAT prep class as we will be applying to law schools in the fall. I think I am more anxious/nervous than he his..
Spencer will kill me if he sees this..but I will take the risk. This is how he studied for finals because he wanted to be by the christmas tree and not in the office. Good thing he has a 'tactical head lamp' for these emergency situations. |
I am now in the process of applying to graduate school so cross your fingers that I get in. I was planning on taking my time with it all but with Spencer's new plan (which takes off 2 extra years..yay!) I am going to go full force and try to finish in a year and a half in case we have to move (I not so secretly want to, but Spencer is all for that in state tuition..he tries to convince me that it is a good idea to save money or something..)
Spencer and I decided that we are going to try and take on some healthier habits this semester together. We decided on a gym schedule and I am dedicated to cooking not only more often but trying to incorporate some healthy vegetarian and fish recipes a few times a week. So far it has been great, but if anyone has any yummy vegetarian recipes I would much appreciate it as I do not have that much experience in that department.
All in all 2012 was great, but I have a feeling 2013 is going to be even better.
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