So I just got an email from some guy apparently his name is Hoder of Asgaard whatever that means..He said he found a flashdrive at the U of U library that is identical to the one he lost several weeks ago and claims he knows that it is his, how can you know a flashdrive is yours they ALL LOOK THE SAME! The problem is it has my files and Spencer's files on it including ones for my business which I need..and especially don't want him to have. He wants to know what happened to the files he had on it because it was "stripped" of all his files. Uh dude I didn't steal your flashdrive and it's creepy that you have it!!!!!! I don't know what he's going to do with it and I'm actually really creeped out...I asked if he would give it back but I think there's a pretty slim chance of that, soooo great. I guess we'll just have to see and I hope that if he does keep it he erases our stuff because there's a lot of personal info stored on that thing and I don't want him to know who we are. CREEPER!!!!!!!
That's totally creepy!! Good luck, I hope he gives it back. (if he doesn't I'll be glad to meet him in a dark alley for you :] yeah I'm pretty hardcore. Taking out flashdrive nerds)