You know how when you first start dating someone and you go out of your way to do small cute things for them? Well I used to do stuff allllll the time I mean I was a pretty cute girlfriend...haha but for the last while I haven't really done anything and I think it's important to still do those little things that show how much you care. So yesterday while Spencer was studying I went to run some errands and make this:

Just a simple candy poster with his favorites..and a couple of mine to :) I mean someone has to help him eat it all. I'm determined to keep doing more stuff like this because really how hard is it, this only took me maybe 20 minutes including travel time from the store, and look how happy it made him haha.
This is so cute! Man I need to do cute stuff like that for Clay more...I'm such a slacker! But yes you better call me soon!! Love ya!