Sunday, December 19, 2010

1 2 3 and Break!

Finals week is over Hallelujah! I don't think I've ever been as ready for a semester to be over as I was for this one. This semester signifys the end of chemistry classes for Spencer, that lucky duck..I still have one more..We are both ready for this much needed break and the opportunity to spend time together that doesnt involve studying. Because we've been so busy we haven't had much time to do festive activities sooo everyday this week we've decided we are going to do something to celebrate the holidays! Tonights activity is the Christmas lights at Temple Square!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Bad Timing

Thats right I am SICK! Not that there is really a good time to be sick..but now is especially bad because it's time for finals. I am congested, nauseous and my throat hurts beyond measure. Last night as I was trying to fall asleep all I could focus on was how much breathing hurt which led to a looong night and no sleep, needless to say I am exhausted. All of this is making it really hard for me to concentrate on school but the show must go on. I have 1 test down, 3 papers and 4 tests to go and I just hope I make it to winter break. On the up side Spencer has been extra sweet and has taken such good care of me providing anything and everything that I ask for along with unexpected but much appreciated back rubs.
(Please let me get better soon...thanks!)