Monday, November 8, 2010

Thanksgiving is in the air

This is where we will be spending our Thanksgiving holiday, I couldn't be more excited!! My Aunt and her family live there and even though they were here for the wedding not to long ago we were so busy that we didn't really get to spend much time with them so we we're thrilled when my family decided to go visit. I haven't been there in quite some time and Spencer has never been so we will definitely be getting some site seeing in. However the Byu vs. Utah game is that weekend and although most of the family is Utah fans unfortunetly we have some Byu crap talkers among us so we will be taking a break from site seeing to watch the game.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I would like to take a second to say how grateful I am for family, of course i'm thankful for the family that raised me and the unconditional love that they've given to me over the years, I wouldn't be the person I am today without them. I'm grateful for the family that was created on August 6, 2010: not only was our small family created but one much bigger. Spencer's family has been so great to me and I love them so much mostly because they created Spencer just kidding.kinda ;) but also for being so accepting, they are definitely a family of jokers and never cease to make me laugh when I'm around them, I think this picture describes them pretty accurately:

Lately though I've been most grateful for the small family that Spencer and I have started. I love my pokie bear so much and can't think of someone else I'd rather create a future with. He has been such an amazing husband and I know that he will be a great father one day as well. I am so excited to make new memories as we build our own big family together.

Family is everything.

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