Monday, March 14, 2011

Locked Out

I realized in the middle of my class that I forgot my keys (this is not the first time it's happened) and of course I couldn't concentrate on anything my teacher said after that because I was to busy plotting how I could get in, I really thought to myself..'hey you have a couple bobbypins in your hair, picking a lock doesn't seem to hard they do it in the movies all the time.' Uhh doubt it..although I am very tempted to try.
Anyways, so if you don't know, to get into our building you have to be buzzed in either by using an electronic key or by calling one of the apartments. Well luckily I brought my phone with me because most days I just leave it, so at least I could buzz myself into the building. So I walked home and crossed my fingers that the apartment manager would be in his office, and luckily there he was walking in at the exact same time. Hallelujah!
He recognized me of course and even remembered my apartment number from the other times i've needed his help...kinda embarassing. On our way to my apartment he assured me that I was not the only one and that there was even a lady who needed him to unlock her door at least once a week ( she blames it on her kids who she claims locks her out all the sad is that!) anyways it made me feel less dumb.
However I'm still puzzled on where my brain might be because for quite sometime I have been more than forgetful. But I am very thankful that at least when it comes to forgetting my keys we have an apartment manager to help out when my brain decides it's going to go on vacation, I just wish it would take me with it.

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